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   STD Code Location Trace Service

Trace Indian STD code or Area code location



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STD code stands for Subscriber Trunk Dialing code. It is the same as Area Code in US. It is fixed before telephone numbers in case the location of exchange is different for the caller and receiver. A telephone number consists of ten digits in India, excluding the country code. In case of mobile phones the whole ten digits are allocated to a single subscriber but in case of fixed line or land line phone an STD code is required to be fixed before the 6,7 or 8 digit subscriber number. STD codes can vary in length from two digits to four digits. STD codes along with the subscriber number never exceed ten digits in total. Fixed telephone numbers in India follow the format: +91-<STD Code>-<Subscriber Telephone number>. In the format 91 is the country code of India, followed by the STD or Area code and subscriber telephone number.

STD codes can be used to help find the location of the telephone number. Any fixed phone number can be traced to it’s location using the complete ten digit phone number. One important point to note is that whiling dialing, from the area to another subscriber in the same area, from a fixed phone STD code is not required for calling. But in case of calling from a mobile device STD code is always required to be pre-fixed before the telephone number. Also while calling from within India STD codes need to be pre-fixed with zero.



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